Monday, June 7, 2010

Greatness of God

Based River Sea
Categories: Spiritual Meals

If you include a person who loves to watch TV design "Discovery" must know Mr.Jacques Yves Costeau, he was an expert scuba oceanografer and leading experts from France. The white-haired old man who was throughout his life perbagai dive into the ocean floor around the globe and make film documentaries about the natural beauty of the sea floor to be watched around the world.


God Most Glorified in Creating the River Sea, "Shall We showed them someday soon, the evidence of truth We're in every corner of this world and to themselves, until light to them, that al-Quran is a truth. Belumkah enough that God was watching you all things "(Sura Fushshilat 53).
"And he who let the two seas (adjacent); that is fresh fresh again and the other salty and bitter, and He made between them and the boundary wall that blocks" (Sura Al Furqan 53).

On a day Mr.Jacques Yves Costeau while exploring under the sea, he suddenly saw a few sets of fresh eyes, fresh water is very savory taste kerana not mix / do not merge with the salty sea water around him, as if there were wall or membrane that restrict both.

Peculiar phenomenon was dizzy Mr. Costeau and encouraged him to seek the cause of the separation of fresh water from brackish water in the middle of the ocean. He started thinking, lest it just halusinansi or khalayan while diving. So time went by after the incident, but he never get a satisfying Reply about these strange phenomena.

Until one day he met a Muslim professor, then he tells the bizarre phenomenon. The professor remembered the verses of the Quran about the meeting of two oceans (the letter-Rahman Ar verses 19-20), which is often identified with the Suez Canal. The verse reads, "Bahraini Marajal yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun yabghiyaan laa .. . "Translation:" He let the two seas meet, in between there are limits that should not be penetrated. "And then recited Surat al-Furqan verse 53 above.

In addition, in some book of commentary, the verse about the meeting of two seas but no water mixed diertikan as the location of the river mouth, where a meeting was held between fresh water from rivers and brackish water from the sea. But that interpretation does not explain the next paragraph of the letter of the Ar-Rahman, verse 22 which reads "Yakhruju minhuma Lu'lu` u wal marjaan "that mean" Get out of both pearls and Marjan. "Yet at the mouth of the river is not found pearls.

Mr. Terpesonalah. Costeau hear the verses of the Quran, see magic scenery more than admiration he had ever seen in the deep ocean.

Mr. Terpesonalah. Costeau hear the verses of the Quran, see magic scenery more than admiration he had ever seen in the deep ocean. The Qur'an is impossible compiled by Muhammad who lived in the seventh century, an era when there was no sophisticated diving equipment to reach remote locations distant in the depths of the ocean. Truly a miracle, the news about the strange phenomenon of 14th-century ago finally proved in the 20th century. Mr. Costeau also said bahawa indeed Koran holy book that contains the word of God, which all of its content is absolutely correct. He immediately embraced Islam.

"And he who let the two seas (adjacent); that is fresh fresh again and the other salty and bitter, and He made between them and the boundary walls that block." (Sura al-Furqan: 53)

Allahu Akbar ...! Mr. Costeau receive guidance through the phenomenon of marine technology. Maha True Almighty Allah. Al `Azhim.Rasulullah Shadaqallahu s.a.w. He said: "Verily, the human heart as the iron will rust dikaratkan by water." If one asks, "Is how to make this carefully clean again?" Messenger of Allah said, "Always remember the dead and reading the Quran."

Mr. Costeau receive guidance through the phenomenon of marine technology. Maha True Almighty Allah.

If you are a diver, then you should visit the cenote Angelita, Mexico. There is a cave. If you dive to a depth of 30 meters, the water is fresh water (fresh), but if you dive to a depth of more than 60 meters, the water becomes salty water, then you can see a "river" at the bottom, complete with trees and foliage leaves.

Half a reviewer says, it is not the usual river, it is a layer of hydrogen sulfide, it seems like a river ... amazing is not it? Look at what a wonderful creation of God Almighty.

see also