zakat - alms (part 2)
Resume postings ago about The notion of zakat, the author will continue with the theme "tithe quantities and conditions"
and of course science writer for just a little knowledge of who owned the God Almighty. and the authors accept the criticism and suggestions from all readers especially.
Quantity tithe and conditions
From nafs' and Ibn 'Umar, "bahwasannya rosulullah saw. Requiring tithe ramadan in humans (the Muslims), that is a sha' Tamar or one sha 'sya'ir (wheat). Imam Shafi'i said:" the real Abu Sa' id al Khudhri said,
"Dizaman prophet PBUH. We issued a staple food tithe in the form of a sha ', that is a sha' cheese (dry milk) or a sha 'zabit (dried grapes), or one-sha' Tamar (dry dates) or one sha 'wheat. So we issued a tithe, to pad a day or berumroh Muawiyah came on pilgrimage, then he berkuthbah before the Muslims. Among the contents sermon was, 'I am of the opinion that the two mud that comes from the land samrah Sham is comparable with the one sha' Tamar. Then the house Muslims follow what the say by Mu'awiyah. "
Imam Shafi'i said: zakatnya grain is not issued unless a sha 'alone. According to the sunnah rosul, tithe is the usual form of the staple food eaten by someone, that should be spend on food as the tithe is the most common foods eaten someone. If someone gets the loan in the form of food from other people, then loan out on the night of Ramadhan, then he must issue a tithe.
If there is one country that is not just food, it can dikiaskan wheat with wheat, rice samples can be compared with grain size and become a size 2.5 KG as has been common in the community. Terms tithe of the most fundamental is the staple food in Indonesia itself apart from that there are many staple foods such as sago, yams or cassava flour that came from. One sho 'wheat (Hinthoh) Nawawi, Imam Abu version: 1862.18 Gr, one sho' white rice: 2719.19 Gr, One sho 'in the volume of Imam version Syfii, Hambali and Maliki: 188.712 Lt / cube size + 14.65 Cm.
One sho 'is 1 / 6 ltr Egypt, namely 11 / 3 container egypt. As stated in Sharh Dardir and others. He was equal to 2167 grams (this according to the scales with the grain). If this situation scales a sho 'wheat, they declared, that the food other than wheat that is more ringn from him, so if the addition of wheat was issued, together with grain weight, would definitely be more of a sho'. If at any main food area is heavier than wheat, like rice for example, it is obliged to increase the size of it, as a counterpart of the existence of those differences. On that basis, then there are some scholars who hold fast to measure, not on the scales. Because the seeds are light and some are heavy.
According to Imam Nawawi: "has become difficult to justify a sho 'with the scales, because a sho', issued at the time of Messenger of Allah. Is a measure of its knowledge, of different sizes and weights, due to differences in the issuing bodies, such as seeds, beans, and others.
Allowed more than one sho 'because it is not a charity sesungguhnyaa religious affairs alone, like and anything to do with it, such as dhikr and prayer beads.
Additional presence on the alms of obligation is not merely lead to sin, even a laudable act.
for the next post is still the chapter with the theme of charity, "which is entitled to receive zakat and issues arising from tithe"
Wassalaamu'alaikum ...